Poetry Out Loud Registration Deadline Upcoming on October 20! More Info
In its efforts to promote and advocate on behalf of the arts in Delaware, the Division of the Arts periodically commissions research studies and issues reports related to the arts and their impact on all Delawareans.
Since 2022, the Delaware Arts Alliance (DAA) has been driving a groundbreaking research process to propel Delaware’s creative economy and cultural tourism sector forward. The Creative Economy Advancement & Tourism Expansion (CREATE) Plan, an initiative led by DAA, engages Delawareans in shaping a shared vision for a thriving, inclusive, and interconnected creative economy. This project—which is the first of its kind in the nation—delves into the full creative landscape at the state, county, and city levels. Developed with input from over 600 Delawareans from all walks of life, the CREATE Plan tackles post-pandemic challenges and provides actionable solutions to strengthen Delaware’s creative economy.
Downloads and Resources
CREATE Plan Executive Summary // Full CREATE Plan // CREATE Plan Launch Event Presentation // CREATE Plan One-Pager (English) // CREATE Plan One-Pager (Spanish) //
County Summaries
New Castle County Summary // Kent County Summary // Sussex County Summary
Other Summaries
Economic Data One-Pager // Recommendations One-Pager // Asset Map One-Pager // Education One-Pager
This 2023 Delaware study reveals the impact the arts have on the First State’s economy.
“Arts and culture organizations have a powerful ability to attract and hold dollars in the community longer. They employ people locally, purchase goods and services from nearby businesses, and produce the authentic cultural experiences that are magnets for visitors, tourists, and new residents. When we invest in nonprofit arts and culture, we strengthen our economy and build more livable communities.”
– Nolen V. Bivens, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts.
Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 National Report // Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 Full Report // Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 Summary // AEP 6 Delaware Presentation // Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 – Delaware Press Release
This dashboard is intended to promote meaningful dialogue around arts education across Delaware and to encourage equitable and data-driven decisions that support a well-rounded education for all Delaware students.
The Delaware Arts Education Data Project is the product of a partnership between the Delaware Department of Education, Delaware Division of the Arts and the Delaware Arts Alliance.
Identifying the 40 most arts-vibrant communities across the U.S. based on data-informed indices
SMU DataArts recognizes that arts and cultural organizations are inextricably tied to their communities and combines data from nonprofit arts and cultural organizations with data for the communities in which they reside to identify factors that affect the health and sustainability of arts organizations across the nation.
The report provides insight into which counties across the United States have the highest scores on three key measures: Arts Providers, Arts Dollars, and Government Support, which can fluctuate year to year. Additionally, our interactive map provides scores for every county across the United States, allowing readers to explore and compare the differences with the latest available data.
NEW COMMUNITY: The Wilmington, DE-MD-NJ, Metro Division includes Wilmington, the largest city in Delaware, as well as Cecil County in Maryland and Salem County, New Jersey. Situated where the Brandywine, Christina, and Delaware rivers come together, Wilmington uses art to bring people together for shared experiences. The area-wide support for arts in Wilmington leads to the area’s ranking among the top 3% in per capita state funding. The Delaware Arts Alliance has three major partners at the state government level that focus on cultivating and supporting arts and arts education: Delaware Division of the Arts, Delaware State Arts Council, and Delaware Department of Education. The region boasts 23 organizations dedicated to historic preservation, assisted by Delaware’s Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program, which has helped preserve over 230 historic buildings since 2001. The Delaware Art Museum, founded in 1911 and reconfigured in 2005, contains substantial exhibitions as well as the six-acre Copeland Sculpture Garden, the first in the region. The Wilmington Art Loop offers free, self-guided events to the downtown community, allowing participants to experience 20 arts venues across neighborhoods via shuttle. In addition, Wilmington has a strong theater scene, supported by community-based organizations like the Wilmington Drama League and the Delaware Theatre Company, which was the first arts and culture organization on Wilmington’s riverfront. Nearby, the Elkton Arts & Entertainment District features the work of over 100 local artists in its unique galleries, working studios, and live performances. The MSA ranks 8th overall for per capita program revenue and is in the top 2% for all but one sub-measure of Arts Dollars. Learn more
Full Report // Executive Summary // Key Findings // Vibrancy Map
This 2017 Delaware study reveals the impact the arts have on the First State’s economy.
“Understanding and acknowledging the incredible economic impact of the nonprofit arts and culture, we must always remember their fundamental value. They foster beauty, creativity, originality, and vitality. The arts inspire us, sooth us, provoke us, involve us, and connect us. But they also create jobs and contribute to the economy.”
— Robert Lynch, President & CEO, Americans for the Arts
Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 Full Report // Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 Summary // AEP 5 Delaware Presentation // Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 – Delaware Press Release
“A vibrant arts environment stimulates and sustains a richer quality of life and economic health. In Delaware, where the arts are among our top 10 employers, we see how the arts contribute to the renaissance of downtown areas, enhance our educational system, and attract new businesses and residents to the state.”
— Former Governor Jack A. Markell, Chair, National Governors Association
Arts & Economic Prosperity IV Full Report // Arts & Economic Prosperity IV Summary // AEP IV Delaware Presentation
“Understanding and acknowledging the incredible economic impact of the nonprofit arts, we must always remember the fundamental value of the arts. They foster beauty, creativity, originality, and vitality. The arts inspire us, sooth us, provoke us, involve us, and connect us…but they also create jobs and contribute to the economy.”
— Robert L. Lynch, President and CEO, Americans for the Arts
Economic Impact Full Report // Economic Impact Flyer // Economic Impact Summary Data // Arts Prosperity in Delaware Presentation
Using concrete examples from many states, this report from the National Governors’ Association details benefits provided by the creative industries – including job creation, increased tourism, and ways the arts give businesses a creative edge.
The Arts & the Economy: Using Arts and Culture to Stimulate State Economic Development
Related Topics: arts & economic prosperity, arts research, delaware arts research, delaware division of the arts