Upcoming grant deadlines: Applications for 2024 Delaware Writers Retreat and 2025 Individual Artist Fellowships due August 1. More Info

Grants for Schools

Students at a Student Matinee in Wilmington, Delaware

The Delaware Division of the Arts offers a variety of grants for Delaware Pre-K through 12 public, charter, private, and parochial schools that offer arts activities and programming.

Artist Residency grants are for residencies with visual, literary, performing or media artists working with students in the classroom or in professional development workshops with teachers.


All Delaware Pre K-12 public, charter, private, and parochial schools with an established arts curriculum and staff are eligible to apply. Not-for-profit agencies incorporated in the state of Delaware that are licensed to provide services for preschool (pre-K – K) students are also eligible to apply.  No more than one residency application may be submitted by the same organization in any school year (September through June) without the permission of the Division Director.


The Division of the Arts has established three goals for Artist Residency grants:

  1. Actively engage students in the creative process with a professional artist
  2. Provide new arts knowledge and skills to classroom teachers and arts specialists
  3. Facilitate teaching opportunities for teaching artists

Eligible schools may request funding for artist residencies that support visual, literary, performing or media artists working with students in the classroom under teacher supervision, or in professional development workshops with teachers. The focus of the artist’s activities should be on classroom learning or teacher workshops. A public assembly may be a component of the artist’s visit, but not the solitary purpose of the visit. In any case, the proposed arts education activity must be an integral part of the residency site’s regular standards-based curriculum or professional development plans for the organization.

Note: Proposed activities and objectives must be aligned with Delaware’s Visual and Performing Arts Standards.

The Delaware Department of Education has produced three video webinars to serve as a resource for understanding the arts standards and ways to align curriculum to them.

Funding awarded in the FY2026 grant cycle must be spent on projects taking place between September 1, 2025, and August 31, 2026.

Download the full Artist Residency Guidelines here.

Download Grantwriting Tips for Organizations here.


Artist Residency applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, but must be submitted at least six (6) weeks prior to the start of the scheduled residency. Earlier applications are recommended, whenever possible. The Artist Residency application may be accessed at smARTDE.

Download the smARTDE Instructions to learn how to log in and navigate within the system.

Grantee Requirements:

The Statement of Assurances is the contract that all Division grantees must sign. Grant applicants must indicate that their organization’s authorizing official has read and agreed to the obligations of grant recipients should a grant be awarded. Receipt of state and federal grants carries with it certain obligations and responsibilities. By submitting a Division of the Arts grant application, applicants are affirming that they are familiar with the requirements of the Delaware Division of the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts, as presented in the Division of the Arts Statement of Assurances, including but not limited to:

  • Crediting the Division appropriately on all materials
  • Keeping public events current on DelawareScene.com
  • Notifying the Division of any significant changes to the programs, budget, or staff/board
  • Providing opportunities for on-site evaluations
  • Compliance with Accessibility Requirements
  • Submitting required Final Report

Final Report:

Final Reports for Artist Residency grants must be submitted through smARTDE within 30 days following the project end date. Failure to submit a final report may impact future funding.


Sheila Dean Ross
Program Officer, Arts in Education

Education Resource grants assist in the facilitation of partnerships between Delaware’s schools, arts organizations, and artists in providing standards-based arts learning experiences for Pre K-12 students statewide. Education Resource projects focus on ways that Delaware arts organizations can serve as resources to Delaware schools before, during, and after the school day.


The following organizations are eligible to apply for Education Resource funding:

  • Nonprofit arts organizations with a commitment to arts learning, based and chartered in Delaware, that are eligible to apply for General Operating Support
  • Delaware public schools with an established arts curriculum and staff, Pre-K through 12
  • Delaware public school districts and/or consortia of public schools with an established arts curriculum and staff, Pre-K through 12

Please note the following restrictions:

  • Only one Education Resource application from an arts organization or school as the lead applicant will be accepted each year.
  • Education resource grants may not be used to meet compliance with state regulations/mandates. Education Resource projects are intended to augment, not supplant, existing arts programs in the school. Applicant school programs and practices must be in compliance with state arts education regulations and mandates and aligned to the Delaware Standards for Visual and Performing Arts.
  • The Division will not accept applications through fiscal agents.
  • No individual may compile or submit an application on behalf of an organization if that individual is a member or relative of a member of the Delaware State Arts Council or Division staff.


You may contact the Program Officer for Arts in Education at the Division of the Arts to review your ideas to determine if they are eligible for Education Resource support. Projects that have been supported in the past include, but have not been limited to:

  • student engagement in the arts during the school day (working with an arts specialist in the classroom for hands-on programs where students are actively participating in arts activities designed to deepen and broaden learning)
  • extended-time arts programs in the schools before or after the school day (curriculum- and standards-based arts programs designed to give students additional opportunities to create, produce, and learn through the arts)
  • integration of the arts with other content areas and arts disciplines to provide collaborations between the arts and classroom teachers to reach mutual objectives
  • development and implementation of standards-based curriculum and/or assessment models/tools

Funding awarded in the FY2026 grant cycle must be spent on projects taking place between September 1, 2025, and August 31, 2026.

Click here for the FY2026 Education Resource Guidelines.

The Delaware Department of Education has produced three video webinars to serve as a resource for understanding the arts standards and ways to align curriculum to them.

Download Grantwriting Tips for Organizations here.


The next deadline for Education Resource applications is 4:30 pm on March 1, 2025. The application for the FY2025 Education Resource Grants will be available at smARTDE on December 4, 2024.

Download the smARTDE Instructions to learn how to log in and navigate within the system.

Grantee Requirements:

The Statement of Assurances is the contract that all Division grantees must sign. Grant applicants must indicate that their organization’s authorizing official has read and agreed to the obligations of grant recipients should a grant be awarded. Receipt of state and federal grants carries with it certain obligations and responsibilities. By submitting a Division of the Arts grant application, applicants are affirming that they are familiar with the requirements of the Delaware Division of the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts, as presented in the Division of the Arts Statement of Assurances, including but not limited to:

  • Crediting the Division appropriately on all materials
  • Keeping public events current on DelawareScene.com
  • Notifying the Division of any significant changes to the programs, budget, or staff/board
  • Providing opportunities for on-site evaluations
  • Compliance with Accessibility Requirements
  • Submitting required Final Report

Final Report:

Final Reports for Education Resource grants must be submitted through smARTDE by September 30 (within 30 days of the grant period end date). Failure to submit a final report on time may result in forfeiture of the final payment (15%) of the grant award and may impact future funding.


Sheila Dean Ross
Program Officer, Arts in Education

TranspARTation Grants support transportation costs of up to $500 for schools to travel to Delaware arts and cultural institutions and venues in order for students to attend arts performances, events, and exhibits.


To be eligible for a TranspARTation grant, applicants must be a Delaware nonprofit K-12 public, private, charter, or parochial school. Pre-K programs affiliated with public schools are also eligible to apply.

Please Note: Schools may receive only one TranspARTation grant per school year. Title I schools may be considered for more than one TranspARTation grant per school year if funding is available.


The TranspARTation Grant supports travel costs to Delaware arts and cultural institutions and venues so that students may attend events, performances, and exhibits that have high-quality arts components. Eligible programs include the exhibition or presentation of guest artists or ensembles (not school shows or student groups).

Download the full TranspARTation Grant Guidelines here.


TranspARTation applications are accepted on an ongoing basis but must be received at least six (6) weeks prior to the field trip date. Applications are reviewed in the order they are received on a first-received, first-reviewed basis starting in mid-August until all available funds are awarded.

Download the smARTDE Instructions to learn how to log in and navigate within the system.

Grantee Requirements:

  • Ensure that the appropriate school district officer signs and submits the grant application within the deadline stated.
  • Notify the school/district business office of the grant award and payment procedures.
  • Acknowledge the Delaware Division of the Arts in any public communications about the field trip using the Division’s crediting guidelines.
  • Submit a final report with transportation receipts/invoices to the Division within 30 days after completion of the field trip, or by June 1, whichever comes first.

Final Report:

Final Reports for TranspARTation grants must be submitted through smARTDE within 30 days of the completed trip or by June 1, whichever comes first.

The Division will reimburse the school or school district upon receipt of the Final Report and receipts/invoices. The actual grant amount will be calculated based on transportation receipts/invoices received with the Final Report and will not exceed the pre-approved grant amount. The Division will not pay bus vendors directly on the school’s behalf.

Failure to submit a final report may result in forfeiture of the grant and jeopardize future funding. Final Reports must be submitted through smARTDE using the same login and password used during the application process.



Sheila Dean Ross
Program Officer, Arts in Education

Grant Review

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Grant Programs

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