Upcoming grant deadlines: Applications for Artist Opportunity Grant quarterly cycle is October 1. More Info
Terrance Vann speaks with Alan Baseden, the President and Founder of Jester Artspace, about the organization’s start up and programming. Jester Artspace is a nonprofit organization restoring and adaptively reusing the historic Jester Farmhouse, for local artists of all disciplines and skill levels to use as meeting, working, and gallery space. Jester Artspace, Inc. has partnered with the property owner, New Castle County, Del., to renovate the property. In turn, they will operate the house in a manner of direct benefit to the surrounding community. The Jester Farmhouse has been deemed to be of significant historic value to the people of New Castle County. Its core stone walls were one of the few remaining modest pre-Civil War farmsteads that were once common in Northern Delaware.
To learn more visit https://www.jesterartspace.org/.
Related Topics: Alan Baseden, Arts Organizations, delaware division of the arts, Delaware State of the Arts Podcast, grants for arts organizations, Jester Artspace, podcast, startup grants