Upcoming grant deadlines: Applications for Artist Opportunity Grant quarterly cycle is October 1. More Info
Andy Truscott interviews Joan Beatson, Director of Advancement, and Taylor Ciampi, company dancer, with First State Ballet Theatre. First State Ballet Theatre—Delaware’s professional ballet company—has written an unparalleled chapter of artistic, educational and financial achievement in Delaware dance history and is the only major Delaware performing arts company to have presented a statewide season with regular performances in theaters and schools in all three counties from Wilmington to the Beach. To learn more about their upcoming 2022-2023 season, the National Ballet Competition, or public classes for youth, teens, and adults, visit https://www.firststateballet.org/
To learn more about their 2022-2023 season visit: https://www.firststateballet.org/2022-2023-season
To learn more about their dance classes visit: https://www.firststateballet.org/the-school
Related Topics: arts education, ballet dancers, dance classes, delaware division of the arts, Delaware State of the Arts Podcast, First State Ballet Theatre, Joan Beatson, Professional Ballet Company, Taylor Ciampi, The Grand, The Grand Opera House